
Person lifting weight
Person smiling at camera deadlifting

This is an 8 week short course designed as a precursor to ANU Sport’s Powerlifting Meet. This will be structured into 16 evening sessions, 2 sessions per week for 8 weeks with a 2 week break halfway through. 


Block one: 12th August - 31st August

Block two: 16th September - 19th October

This will be aimed at beginner lifters and can still benefit advanced level lifters.

The topics covered will follow as: 

  • Basics of Squat/Bench/Deadlifts
  • Basics of Strength Programming
  • How to identify weak areas and select corrective exercises
  • How to peak for 1 Rep Max Lifts

Through the 8 weeks, participants will be taken through a 4 week “building” block, followed by a 4 week “peaking” block to maximize their strength for either 1 rep max testing or for competition day, all while learning and becoming more familiar with the above topics.

Participants will not need any specialized equipment or any prior experience as this course will take you through the whole process from start to finish.

 Let’s get lifting!


  • $17.00 per session General
  • $14.00 per session Student 

Sign up here

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